Is Education Learning From the High Tech World of Corporate Training?

The high-tech world of corporate training and video conferencing has progressed significantly in the last couple of decades. Luckily, now the price is coming down on much of this technology and we are seeing more and more of it in our schools and public education system. Previously we saw all the high-tech gear going into private universities, and now we are starting to see it in our high schools.

This is extremely wonderful and helps our teachers stay efficient, comply with the “No Child Left behind” Act, and makes learning more enjoyable and fun for the students. At the high school level this translates into better performance by students, as well as fewer high-school drop outs. Therefore, one could say it’s all good.

One company, SMART Technologies, has a number of revolutionary technologically advanced educational hardware and software, which is making learning easier at all levels. Corporations like these tools too, as they provide educational solutions and thus, are welcomed in the World of Corporate America, and much as they are needed in our school systems.

It is great to see our education sector borrowings such corporate technologies which are being used for communication and training, to make our kids smarter and better prepared for the real world. Today, much of this is possible because of the economies of scale and the fact that the technologies have become less expensive than in previous years.

The recession has also prompted many companies to look elsewhere for customers besides the corporate market. In the United States and in other countries when there is a recession, people turn towards education to train the next generation to solve the problems that have been created. Due to these factors education is capitalizing on the high-tech world of corporate training. Please consider all this.

Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes that more folks should get EMT training, as it would make the world a safer place; EMT Certification [].

Note: All of Lance Winslow’s articles are written by him, not by Automated Software, any Computer Program, or Artificially Intelligent Software. None of his articles are outsourced, PLR Content or written by ghost writers. Lance Winslow believes those who use these strategies lack integrity and mislead the reader. Indeed, those who use such cheating tools, crutches, and tricks of the trade ma

Lights Camera Education – Learning Can Be Fun

Can you imagine a class where science is taught through comic strips; where the most abstruse concepts are learned through games & animation, graphic novels and even motion films! Well, you don’t have to be Alice to step into this wonderland. For this is reality, thanks to the emergence of the edutainment sector.

Edutainment is the convergence of education with entertainment or visually engaging media.
As 21st century children, parents and educators, one would like to see a knowledge-enriching ambiance which is interactive and user-friendly. Teaching when combined with technology enables collaborative learning which is highly individualized, hands-on, flexible and accessible anytime, anywhere.
Multiple sensory learning not only increases the retention power of students substantially, but also makes learning enjoyable.

Currently, our education system lacks flexibility. We need to reshape education to make it more meaningful. This can be done by modifying the teaching methodology and the assessment system. We need to reinvent learning to make it a way of life. For learning to be meaningful it has to be highly flexible and accessible and not time bound or cordoned off to the walls of the classroom. It has to be hands-on/ participatory stimulates interest, instigates discovery and is open-ended. And lastly, learning should be process-oriented, not result oriented. The outcome is not as important as the process.

The key to enhance learning is to look at the process from a holistic perspective. Using multimodal media like films, graphic novels, web content and actual hands-on can make learning an extremely enjoyable activity. However, the content plays a key role. The student’s will and choice should be paramount. Hence, the content has to be centered on story-telling and not just visualization. One has to create excitement and interest and then watch the student thrive.

Teaching through story telling and films is one option that has not been exploited very well so far. Story telling is one medium which is immensely powerful as it develops concentration, attentiveness and sustained, active listening skills, activates visualization and imagination, extends vocabulary and models the articulate use of oral language. It also develops sequencing, comprehension and prediction skills. it also develops memory and promotes social cohesion through shared experience.

Designing text books across the curriculum in the form of graphic novels and comics is a novel concept that can engage students. This can make reading enjoyable and fruitful to kids who are normally less interested in textbooks. The books can be filled with interesting characters, stories, graphics and practical examples to understand the concepts.

These days internet has reduced the globe to the size of a tennis ball, yet the school kids can’t take an advantage of it and have to put up with the banal chalk and talk method. They are used to rote learning which stifles creativity and imagination. Instead it would be so much better if they could use educational games and quiz competitions and other innovative methods of learning.

We should usher in a system of learning which, for students is engaging and entertaining more than compulsive. For teachers and school administration it is constructive in feedback and detailed on suggestive ways of improvement. And for parents it is indicative of the true capabilities and potential of the child. A system that makes students discover their genius.

Online Distance Education Learning

The emergence of the Internet as a worldwide communications network has revolutionized the concept of distance learning. Prior to the Internet becoming ubiquitous, distance education was being provided mainly through correspondence courses and video media. However, using the Internet, it has become possible for a student to study online from any location and at any convenient time.

With the adoption of online learning by universities as an important media for imparting distance education, the quality of the online courses offered has become comparable to traditional classroom courses. Courses on topics across a broad spectrum of disciplines have become available on demand and accessible from any location. These factors have also contributed to the increasing popularity of online distance education.

Earning an educational qualification from the comfort of one’s home or workplace is an idea that is appealing to a large number of people who do not have the time to enroll for a traditional classroom-based course. It is usually easier to obtain admission for online courses; another advantage is that sometimes the tuition fee may be lower than a regular course for the same discipline.

One of the common misconceptions related to online learning is that it is a solitary, non-instructor-led, self-paced activity. This is far from the truth. Quality online education is a people-oriented, instructor-led activity that requires a level of communication comparable with on-campus education. Students are able to communicate with their peers through e-mails, online class projects and discussions. The availability of online libraries has also made the learning process easier. Some universities even allow students to shift from on-campus learning to online learning and transfer the credits.

With the proliferation of online distance education, it is becoming increasingly important to select the right college or university. Several websites provide detailed information about the online courses available and also offer a comparison of the colleges and universities with respect to the quality of their online distance learning programs.

Online Learning [] provides detailed information on Online Learning, Free Online Learning,

Post-Post Education – Learning Never Stops!


It is the key ingredient to the survival of mankind. Without the capacity to learn, we would not have figured out how to make the very basic, yet essential things in life work, such as make fire, hunt for food, or shelter ourselves from harsh weather. It is what sets us above other species. In fact, when a person loses the ability to think for him or herself completely…we refer to them as “vegetables”, or as being in a “vegetative” state. Not only is it often seen as the necessary trait to be declared a human being, or person, but it also enables a people to become organized, civilized, and prosperous down to an individual level.

What has struck a chord with me is how a bit “watered down” the concept of education has become. What do I mean by this? Well school as an institution, and education have become one. It is as if many people only see education as something attainable in a traditional school setting. This is a flawed idea in several respects.

Consider the fact that just because someone goes to school, does not automatically means they are receiving education, there are failing schools all across the country, and a learning deficit within these schools is becoming a growing problem like the national debt. This leads me to my next point. Schools may not be teaching relevant topics. The school system in America has not improved much over the years and it is starting to show when we look at things from an international perspective, which is especially important in this age of globalization. And the list goes on and on. I’m sure you can think of a few things wrong with the school system yourself as well.

The purpose of this article places its focus elsewhere within the realm of education, and that is education OUTSIDE OF THE CLASSROOM AND INSTITUTIONS. It is important to remember that education doesn’t end when class is no longer in session, or when that degree is hung on your wall. On the contrary, that is when the real education begins.

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